Instructions on Events

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Directives for planning events for MSS

Annual Conference Guidelines

  1. Conference should be rotated through south, north, central, east and west zones of India. No zone or place with in a zone is not eligible to bid in succession. If no takers in one zone next zone in serial will get the opportunity to host.
  2. Hosting city should have a decent flight connectivity.
  3. Venue Should have a minimum capacity of 300 and with good audio-visual systems.
  4. Bidder should bid at least two years before addressing to Secretary of MSS with all details of place venue time theme etc.
  5. The Core organizing team should consist of members of Musculoskeletal Society.
  6. The President of MSS will be Organizing chair along with local member as another chairman and secretary will be organizing secretary along with local member as organizing secretary.
  7. The Conference Committee can open a temporary bank account with MSS PAN number.
  8. The accounts should be audited and submitted to MSS within two months of Post conference.
  9. All the savings of the conference should be transferred to MSS Main account and temporary account should be closed within two months after paying GST etc.
  10. All the founder members are by default should be invited as faculty.
  11. Registration fee should be collected from all delegates, MSS members including founder and board members.
  12. Two MSS Orations and One paper award should be conducted. The orators should be reputed international speaker outside the India and speaker travel and stay expenditure is from Conference account. MSS association takes responsibility of felicitations like shawl, citation, medals etc.

Prof. Kakarla Subbarao Oration – A testimony of changing times – tribute from Varaprasad Vemuri :
Committee – Dr.V.N.Varaprasad – Donor
President MSS
Secretary MSS

“Dr. Tummala Madhusudhana Rao oration”
Committee – Dr. Tummala Madhusudhana rao – Donor
President MSS
Secretary MSS

“Prof Virendra Mohan best paper award in conventional Radiology”

  • Complimentary accommodation can be provided to the faculty depending on funds though not compulsory
  • Should apply and get credit hours from medical council for the conference.
  • The recorded copy of conference should send to the central office for the office record.
  • Conference should be conducted usually between July and September.